
Selles artiklis kuvame viimase viie aasta statistikat AKI tegemiste kohta. Statistika jagame tegevuste sisu järgi teavitustöö, järelevalvetöö ning loa- ja erimenetluse jaotustesse.
Performance indicators 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Development of guidelines, policy advising
Guidelines (not considering updates to existing) - 1 - 2 -
Opinions on draft legislative acts 8 29 44 44 82
Communication work
Questions, memoranda, freedom-of-information requests
2343 1759* 1813 1325 1910
Help line calls 1578 1222 1350 1028 1182
Training events and counselling 94 71 69 17* 31*
Circulars (without opening supervisory cases) 1 2 3 1 4
     incl. No. of circular addresses 106 1108 92 7 2177
Large-scale comparative monitoring sessions - 1 1 2 2
     incl. No. of objects observed - 77 73 11 62
Complaints, challenges, reports of misdemeanours (submitted)
609 701** 693 936 1068
Ex officio supervisory cases (open without complaints) 29 28 30 37 53
Personal data breach notifications *** 1048 884 929 1520 1971
On-site inspections (in supervisory cases) - 2 1 3 9
Recommendations and proposals (in supervisory cases) 63 223 214 215 213
Precepts (usually preceded by a proposal; usually includes a coercive fine warning) 14 37 30 52 37
Misdemeanour cases (closed) 14 12 11 7 8
Penal law fines (for misdemeanours) and coercive fines(in supervisory cases) 5 12 10 12 12
Licensing and special proceedings
Submissions for database approval (establishing, taking into use, changing the data composition, ending) 39 16 31 31 30
Submissions for licences for scientific research without the consent of the data subjects 30 32 20 21 27
Submissions for licenses for data transfer to a foreign country without adequate data protection level 1 2 2 1 0
Submissions regarding one’s own data in Schengen, Europol, and other cross-border databases 31 10 14 14 15
Data Breach Notifications 115 138 145 153 196

* Years 2022 and 2023 were no statistics kept regarding consultations.

** Since 2019, the method of making statistics is different from previous years due to a change in the document management system.

*** IMI is the information system of the European Union's internal market, through which data protection authorities exchange information and through which complaints, clarification requests, infringement notices and reminders are submitted.

Last updated: 07.02.2024